Genealogy Research

This blog will record research on family genealogy. Be sure to enter a comment if you are visiting here and think we may have common ancestors....or information to share!

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Location: Saginaw, MI, United States

Friday, February 17, 2006

Mesharer Immigrant research

Bobby Oakes was very helpful in sharing a family tree for the Meshirer family. Through this list, I've been able to contact several of the cousins.

I've had the good fortune to be in contact with a cousin from the Meshirer line of the family, Richard L. Rubenstein, who has published several books including Power Struggle which he has indicated includes autobiographical information. This is challenging reading for me, but it is certainly interesting to learn more about a part of the family I had never know. He has also written After Auschwitz which is currently available from
I've been doing a bit more digging using the site's search engine for the Castle Garden immigrant database. Richard Rubenstein indicates his grandfather (who married Rose Mesharer) came from Lithuania, so I am pursuing that lead at this point. Since my great grandfather, Harris Mesharer, didn't leave much of a paperwork record, I am trying to pursue his roots through those of his siblings.

I've been using website to search for either Rose or Ab* with last name M*s entering at Castle Garden, but have not found any listings in the period 1882-1887.

Melissa Mendelsohn has researched and found that Sarah Goldman married Abraham Meshirer and lived in the village of Snipiskes and has a record from Snipiskes that lists Abraham, Sarah and their first child Mere/Mary